Anna Lidström is always one step ahead. With a passion for horses and playing soccer, this energetic Project Purchaser likes the fast-paced life just as much as she likes fast-paced meetings at work. In her position at the Product & Supply Division at FlexLink she gets to do what she loves, which is to work in a dynamic surrounding, make decisions on the run and support her colleagues whenever they need her help. To develop her personal and professional skills even further, she applied to the YMT group.
An opportunity to grow as a professional and as an individual
Born in 1986, Anna is part of the so-called “Generation Y” and is thereby qualified to apply to FlexLink’s Generation Y Management Team (YMT). She was one of 60 applicants to the internal leadership program that started in 2016. When applying, Anna had been working at FlexLink for four years and was very pleased with her employer. Being the energetic person she is, she decided it was time to further develop both her personal and professional skills within the company.
A bridge between current and future generations at FlexLink
Anna describes YMT as a one-year program focusing on growing and developing young professionals that hold different positions at FlexLink. “It’s a new and exciting way for us to learn how a General Management Team (GMT) works and at the same time be a bridge between current and future generations at FlexLink”, Anna says. “Each member in YMT has an own mentor from FlexLink’s General Management Team. The goal is to have a mutual exchange of ideas and feedback between mentor and adept and I think that YMT is just as appreciated by GMT as they are appreciated by us in YMT”, Anna continues with a smile.
Faces new situations with an open and innovative mindset
“All members in YMT are assigned special assignments and projects from their mentors. My mentor is Eva Degerman, Director of HRBP. She is a fantastic and enthusiastic person with a lot of new ideas, which suits me very well. From Eva, I have been assigned many different projects, both within HR and Marketing. These areas are all new to me, which is a challenge. However, that’s what YMT is all about, learning to face new situations and be open and proactive with an innovative mindset”, Anna explains.
“I need to learn that a fast process is not necessarily an effective process, some issues require reflection and time.”
A leadership coach helps the YMT group to achieve their highest potential
“I have learned three important things during this project so far. I have experienced new ways to work in, for me, unknown areas. The work processes within HR and Marketing differ from what I am used to and I have had to practice on improving my patience and understanding that some processes may be slow but still effective. Secondly, I have learned to dare to take on new projects that go beyond my comfort zone. This has been a great lesson for me personally. Finally, I have learned how individual and cultural differences can look like in a large international company such as FlexLink, and how to adapt to these differences”, says Anna. “On our journey through the YMT year, we have a leadership coach by our side. He helps us reflect on what we have learned from each other as well as from our mentors. Together, we discuss key obstacles, key enablers and how each one of us can balance our regular day-job workload with YMT tasks. He also helps us identify our personal characteristics and teaches us how they can be our greatest individual assets that enable us to expand our horizons”, she continues.
A worldwide company comes with endless possibilities
“In a few years from now, I hope to fulfil my dream of working abroad. During my university studies, I spent 6 months studying law, finance and marketing in Hawaii and I would very much like to return to the US. FlexLink has offices in 30 countries worldwide, so I hope I will embark on a journey abroad soon enough”, Anna explains.
YMT Group – a way to influence your own success
“If a colleague were thinking about applying to the YMT Group next year, I would say; go for it! They will be joining a dynamic team with highly professional colleagues. Every day will be filled with new and exciting challenges, and even if they feel scary they will help you achieve personal growth. In the end, it’s all about where and how far you want to go”, Anna concludes.
“In the end, it’s all about where and how far you want to go.”
Read more at joinus.flexlink.com
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