
Let us keep a close dialogue about industrial automation

We embrace the opportunity to keep a close dialogue with you. We would love for you to comment on our blog articles and we look forward to take part of your opinions, questions and ideas. To maintain a professional and friendly tone on the blog, we have summarized a few guidelines for you to follow when commenting on the articles.

  • Express yourself in a respectful way. Feel free to disagree with the authors and the commenting readers, but remember to stick to the subject.
  • We will not allow any dialogue to be degrading to anyone regardless of religion, race, gender, political or sexual orientation.
  • Always identify yourself when making comments, and avoid nicknames. We advocate openness and honesty at all times.
  • Enable for rewarding and interesting discussions by sharing any relevant sources you refer to through links or addresses. That way, others can join in and everyone will have access to the same information.
  • Since we have readers from all over the world, all discussions should be held in English. That way, we allow all parties to join the discussions.
  • We reject all kinds of commercial, SEO-driven, advertising or selling services.

Do you have any questions concerning the blog in general? You should always feel free to contact us with questions, opinions or thoughts. The blog is for you and our goal is for you to enjoy the content and hopefully gain some new knowledge.